Friday Fictioneers – The Cell


She hated it, her tiny prison cell. No friends could visit, she could never use a bathroom in private—she was forced to use a communal one. No sunshine during the day, no moonlight at night. No bedroom. She slept in a chair. No closet. No kitchen. Just a 5×4 room. Smaller than her dorm room bed, smaller than her closet back home.

But it was the only apartment she could afford in Brooklyn. And she just had to live in Brooklyn, it’s where all the cool people lived. So she suffered in her cell, and smiled as she wrote the address on her $1000 rent check.


Rent in Brooklyn NY is ridiculous—Worst Room comically documents the tiny closets they rent out for hundreds of dollars a month. The site is a good for a laugh (as long as you aren’t apartment hunting there).

Friday Fictioneers: a story in 100 words prompted by a picture that Rochelle Wisoff-Fields posts every Wednesday.

32 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – The Cell

  1. That’s a hefty price to pay to be cool. Hopefully, she’ll find her way in Brooklyn, or she’ll discover something greater in life. Nice work in equating it with a prison cell- It really drove the point home!

  2. Great take on the prompt. I wouldn’t want to live in a city for anything, let alone pay the price of doing so, but hey, whatever floats your boat.

  3. Dear Rachel,

    This puts me in mind of my middle son’s apartment in L.A. We visited him once and we all slept on one big mattress on the floor. The last line says it all.



  4. Dear Rachel,

    The website Worst Room really made your story a lot more real. Most amazing tale and cyberspace (if you can call it that). Very well done and thanks for the tour.



  5. I was laughing and laughing at the absurdity of the New York mentality. They can’t even change a sink from a two-tapper to a one-tap bathroom sink because it de-values the place. I like New York City, but give me Kansas anytime.

    Rachel, you nailed it! Bravissimo.

  6. Dear Rachel, I almost think being homeless would be better than some of these “apartments”. I looked at the website, and thought – surely no one would live somewhere they can’t even lie straight at night. Also, I’d have to have a window – how does the fire marshal allow this? Your story is right on – it is a cell. Just to be cool is not worth it – but then, I’m old. Thanks, Nan 🙂

    • I wondered about the fire marshall too! I can’t imagine those “apartments” are legal, there’s no way! My husband and I lived in a pretty small studio in downtown Portland when we were younger (so we’d be cool), but at least we had a kitchen and bathroom and walk-in closet…I couldn’t do even that now. Cool or not, I need space! And a yard!

      Thanks for reading the story, Nan! 🙂

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