Dawn In Carolina – Friday Fictioneers


The morning fatback sizzled in the pan as little bits of grease jumped and danced, burning her arms. She opened the window, letting the honeysuckle-kissed breeze in. She could hear cicada’s again, that meant her daughter would be turning thirteen years old, somewhere. Her daughter was an octoroon, so maybe she had a chance, wherever that somewhere was. She put her hands over her face at these thoughts of her daughter. The baby cooed in her cradle next to the sideboard and the woman went to her immediately, picking her up gently. “Shhhh, your momma’ll be up right soon,” she told the baby with a whisper, patting her softly on the back. Upstairs, the sounds of the baby’s mother and father rising began. And she took a deep breath, wondering if this day would be a good one, or a bad one.


Friday Fictioneers: 100 word stories inspired by a photo that Rochelle Wisoff Fields posts every week.  This week’s photo courtesy of Valerie Barrett.

33 thoughts on “Dawn In Carolina – Friday Fictioneers

  1. There is so much said in this, such a calm domestic scene and the horror of losing the daughter and caring for other people’s kids instead. I had to look up octoroon and now I see her as a slave and wonder who the daughter’s father was.

  2. Someone remembering her own daughter while taking care of someone else child. Morning scene so beautifully described while peace is broken by rising master and mistress.

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